Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Green Campus and ConnPIRG's No Drill's, No Spills campaign collaborated to hold energy audits the last full week before Thanksgiving break and the final week of Dorm Wars.
Some of the energy saving tips included:
1. Take colder showers. It will wake you up and actually make you cleaner!
2. Unplug you TV when it is not in use!
3. Take a shorter shower!
4. Brushing your teeth?? Turn off the water!
5. Use a drying rack instead of a clothes dryer

Hey, and outside the college dorm - these tips could mean more money in your pocket.

The goal of the energy audits was to help students learn ways they could make their dorm lifestyle more energy-friendly with the hopes of their building winning the pizza party prize!

On Saturday, Green Campus ended the week with Vigilante Recycling at the Tree House - from 11 pm to midnight.

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