Friday, October 22, 2010

Swipe a Meal during Yom Kippur!

Yom Kippur, which means Day of Atonement in Hebrew, is a day of fasting for many of the Jewish people. That means that those students who choose to participate as part of their religion did not use some of their meals the week of September 19th and Hillel seized the opportunity to announce a fundraiser where students can donate their meals.  After tabling outside of the Mather Dining Hall for a few days, the students were able to raise a considerable amount of money which will go to Mazon - an organization that fights hunger around the world.

Hillel is the student organization for the Jewish community on campus, however it is an example of how open the Trinity community is because of the continued interest of non-Jewish members in the organization and the events Hillel has realized.

For example, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Hillel held it's 5th annual Pink Shabbat in the Vernon Social Center on October 15. Each Friday Hillel holds a Shabbat dinner, open to the entire Trinity Community. However, this was different not only because of the location, but because it filled up! T-shirts were sold the days leading up to the event, with proceeds going to Breast Cancer Awareness. Congratulations to the members of Hillel in the successful turnout of this event.  

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