Monday, November 28, 2011

Want to get involved with Latino Community Services? If so please contact Yvette Bello at They would really like to become more involved with Trinity groups so if you're interested in Aids awareness/prevention this is the perfect opportunity!
Like the ACES page on Facebook and stay current with all their projects!
Check out our annual projects organized by month! Service for every season.

Monday, November 14, 2011

ACES Snowmen!

Snowmen are now available from outside of Mather dining hall. Each snowman has the name and age of a child with a present of their choice. Help make a child's holiday wish come true! Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the Community Service Office by December 2nd.

We're back!

Keep checking the Community Service Office blog for more information about FACES and community service events on campus!

Do you participate in community service on campus? Email pictures or stories to to put them on the blog!

There's also lots of information about service opportunities on the Trinity website: